late night hospitalling.

I think it might be a law or rule or requirement somewhere that whenever you have to go to the emergency room two things happen: a) you wait for a long time b) that long time is usually somewhere between midnight and 4 in the morning. Last night a friend of ours took an awesome tumble on her rented bike (from me) on our way home from playing beach volleyball. We were coming out of an underpass on a trail, it was dark and about a six inch ledge jumped out and pulled her down.. hard. She ended up dislocating her elbow, breaking some things, and plunging headfirst into the world of bionics. I think she is going to be the first of my friends that will have some titanium, or steel, or lead, or stainless steel, or iron contained inside of a body part, which will make her a good contender for the impending robot army.. which side are you on julie?

**note this photo of the girl with the bionic arm is not actual julie but an internet representation of what she might look like if this were actually her.

I showed up at around 1am, only to see the emergency room through the window. Peaple sprawled about everywhere waiting and waiting for the doctors to fix whatever currently ailes them.. Sue and Julie had been there for a few hours before I even showed up, so after a few more hours of waiting to be moved, waiting to be wrapped up in a cast, waiting for said cast to stiffen, waiting for doctor to return for discharge, to driving home on the ever so empty streets I made it back to my bed at 4:15 am. what a day! But all is well, I think she is having this thing below put in later this week. I have always been curious as to how well the newer power gloves work to do normal everyday things AND to play NEW super mario bros… no one will ever know.. well except for maybe julie.