hello.shuffle (part one of five)

Welcome to the first part in our hello.shuffle.

Mike’s Songs

1) ‘I Bellieve in Symmetry’ by Bright Eyes (Digital Ash in a Digital Urn)

I read over and over that this guy (Conor Oberst) is the next Bob Dylan of our generation. But then, isn’t EVERYONE dubbed that at somepoint? I want to like him and I have a few of his records, and I generally do like him. But his voice, after awhile seems to grow on my nerves. I normally cannot listen to a full record by him, but this is a pretty good pop song though; he certainly knows what he is doing.

Greg’s Songs

1) ‘Anticipation’ by Blonde Redhead (Misery is a Butterfly)

I really like Blonde Redhead- although this song seems to have slipped by me before. There’s a select few songs I listen to on this album usually (Magic Mountain in my favorite)…usually I cue them up when I feel like listening to Interpol but dont want to listen to Interpol. Whenever I listen to Blonde Redhead, I am reminded of how frustrating it is to discover a band a week after they come to town. sigh.

Aryn’s Songs

1) ‘Fidelity’ by Regina Spektor (Begin to Hope)

I have just recently heard of her, maybe in the last few months or so. But a great voice, and very precise vocal punches in this track. Definitely a great way to kick off an album… and maybe the best track on it.

Stay tuned…part two tomorrow. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or leave comments here if you like. We would like to hear what you think or provide your own playlist.