hello.music round two – Oxygen 1.5

hello.music I am not sure if this is a step in the forward or backward direction on this track, but I felt like I needed to get something down and help myself out of the musical rut I have been in for awhile. So even if this is a bad direction, it’s still a direction, which makes me happy. So I have remixed this little ditty, creating a little meaner sound for it, to give it that diabolique edge and indie rock finish. The only thing I really added was a couple effected bass tracks. What do you think? Did I crap on my own work? did I add anything worthwhile? should I quit making music all together?

One thing is for certain, I have done something. I think that counts for something in this world of lethargy.

check it:

Oxygen 1.5


next step.. vocals.

6 thoughts on “hello.music round two – Oxygen 1.5”

  1. Dude, this is great. I really love the dark distorted bass sounds, especially since it starts with such a sweet good boy synth in the beginnning. By the end, the tone is much different. The linear structure is cool too- not just the verse chorus verse chorus thing. Really curious to see what you come up for with lyrics… you should try recording some distorted drums on top of this.

  2. And, yes, ruts suck when it comes to music. I feel like I am in one about 80% of the time. Don’t let it stop you, though, because your songs are always uniquely creative.

  3. I think parts of this are good. I like the initial changes to the song’s beginning by adding some distorted bass. However, since so much of it is simple patterns and rhythms, I kinda wanted to hear a bass part with some melodic movement akin to a Flaming Lips type section (think track 2 on Yoshimii).

    Then I feel (and you might disagree) that the song becomes a bit schizophrenic. I think you are hearing two different songs and forcing them together unnaturally without letting the song take us to that next section. I think you have to organically get there with another section (can be short). I dont know if the more disjunct descending bass line there works over the original melodic motifs from the beginning that still linger underneathe in this section.

    I can see your inclination to rock it out at the end and kick it up a notch, but dont cheat it…come to it with natural movement and development.

    I think youre on the right track but give it another go. Just my 2 cents.

  4. I agree about ruts… for any number of reasons I think Ive been in one as well. I think the only way to get through them is to just keep trying and feel things out.

  5. the more I listen to this i think I am agreeing with mike.. I do like the first part, but the last section seems a little forced, and disjointed.. But thats ok, I really just needed to get something new down, and I did rush the production of it.

    we’ll see how the vocals affect the overall dynamic of the song, I might leave that ending section on there just move it towards the background a bit..

  6. I am a sucker for moving bass parts that are melodic as well as rhythmic… this is either b\c i grew up listening to paul mccartney’s amazingly creative lines, or b\c i studied so much music by guys like ray brown and charles mingus who were so good at writing and improvising great melodies.

    that track on Yoshimii really drives that music… also check out McCartney’s bass line on Dont Let Me Down at about the 1:15 mark on this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18t5eX574Z0 Great stuff.

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