This song is in it’s early infancy, but I wanted to post something before the month turns the halfway point. I had hoped to do more with this tonight but got distracted by the John Denver special on the PBS pledge drive.
2 thoughts on “ night time road”
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I think this song has a lot of potential… the chord progression has a lot of opening for good melodic and harmonic qualities. I think you should sonically drive this one a bit more open into your old Radiohead\Coldplay stylings (think that song you did “Til Your Heart Stops Beating”) I think it would be nice with some pounding piano chords and bright shoegazy guitar.
What do you think you want to do with it?
Upon relistening, I am hearing a similar style emerging between your’s and mike’s respective tracks (mike’s minus the extra’s of course) but a with the guitar strumming style they sound like they could be from the same band. Also would you like me to add anything to this?