OK, so I’m working on combining these two into one song (Sorry Mike, didnt quite make it to your song tonight). The single note guitar thing I posted earlier reminded me too much of the guitar line from Wolf Like Me, so I am pushing aside for now. The other little bit I twisted into this.
Thoughts on this direction and melody?
This is sounding great… Sort of a driving Phillip Glass meets U2 thing…Aryn hears Clap Your Hands but I’m not so sure about that. But lets not compare to what it sounds like but rather what it will sound like when more comes from it.
I like the driving orchestral sound the processed guitars and near electro pulse of this version. I do miss a bit of the delicate string plucking and high guitar parts of the version “home recording 2” and your voice as well.
Are you planning on keeping the rhodes melody like that or more of a place holder? It has a bit of cheese factor on it, but if you change the sound a bit it might work? Any plans to integrate the guitar sounds from the past versions? I think you should bring in some of those elements I mention above.
This is a great new start on this.
Yeah- Rhodes is a placeholder. This does sound a bit cheesy now that I relisten. Maybe I should go back to the original… funny how these things work :)
I love the rhythm and the sonic textures of this new version, but in some ways miss the crisp plucked strings of the guitar in the other. Hard to know where to take songs sometimes.
Relistening again… what sort of effects did you use on the guitars? I love it.