hello.music — The Imitators

hello.musicI too have not had much to show for my month of July…so the story goes. But I’ve certainly been stockpiling and tossing around some ideas for a few months. One such tune is this first attempt at recording a REALLY rough version of The Imitators. No words to speak of yet, but as you will hear by the occassional vocal utterance, I have snippets of a melody in mind. Its just a matter of writing some lyrics.

Pretty much everything you hear will need to be retracked, mixed etc but I just needed to get something down before I forgot. Hopefully Greg or Aryn can play some bass and drums or both on this to fill it out (and so I can do away with that horrible click track).

The Imitators v1


As a bonus, I decided to release that painful writer’s block by clearing my head a bit and just slamming out a pretty terrible rendition of Brian Eno’s classic ‘Needle In The Camel’s Eye.’ This is one of my favourite songs and despite being written in 1974, sounds like it could have been done in the last few years.

If I were to finish this up, I would definitely lay some real drums, some bass, retrack a bit of the vocals to sound tighter and do a fancy studio fade out instead of the ending I have here. One thing I do like here is the sound of that biting bright guitar.

Needle In the Camel’s Eye


So, one original song for you two to play with or make suggestions…thoughts?

UPDATE 7\22: Did some retracking and some cleaning up of The Imitators today and began work on the lyrics for this number. This version is sans any vocals, but I think its starting to come together a bit better… certainly less sloppy.

The Imitators v2


2 thoughts on “hello.music — The Imitators”

  1. (Excerpt from iChat chat Sunday July 22 11:23am)
    Aryn Crowley: I like your two songs you have up
    mike katzif: theyre okay i guess
    Aryn Crowley: they need some tending
    Aryn Crowley: but good start
    Aryn Crowley: s
    mike katzif: no kidding
    mike katzif: yours is good too
    Aryn Crowley: you totally have that wayne coen/ jeff tweedy sound down
    mike katzif: im not even going for that
    mike katzif: i just have a shitty voice
    Aryn Crowley: its your vocals
    mike katzif: so it a good thing?
    mike katzif: man i cut my upper lip shaving today and now trying to eat is painful
    Aryn Crowley: yikes
    Aryn Crowley: using the old straight razor again?
    Aryn Crowley: split that lip like a hot sausage
    mike katzif: a grapefruit spoon
    mike katzif: lathering up with anti freeze
    Aryn Crowley: the imitators kind of derails for that middle section
    mike katzif: yeah
    mike katzif: when playing here acoustic its okay
    Aryn Crowley: and those drums have gotta go
    mike katzif: but when recorded it derailed
    Aryn Crowley: yeah
    mike katzif: and yes those are just temp drums
    mike katzif: to give it a sense of tempo
    Aryn Crowley: right
    mike katzif: i expect you or greg to help out with a sturdy rock beat
    Aryn Crowley: the drums in my are probably temp too
    Aryn Crowley: totally
    mike katzif: feel free to give it a go
    11:25 AM
    Aryn Crowley: k
    mike katzif: and add some bass there too
    mike katzif: and feel free to write this stuff for the blog
    Aryn Crowley: we have a BLOG!??
    mike katzif: go figure
    Aryn Crowley: I will copy in

  2. Is all that you have as a comment that this sounds like some song from Something About Mary? …which I dont really know if i recognize.

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