Umm… Can you believe this is the most productive thing I’ve produced in a month?
UPDATE 07/31/07: Here’s roughly what I’m thinking for a melody. I plan to add back in the general textures and sounds from the first version, but I wanted to strip it down to develop a melody. I did this without a metronome or anything, so this is just a scratch track… Any thoughts?
Very cool.. quite the atmospheric sounds of the G. Johnson.
This sounds great… are you going to add anything to this? I can see it being a great interlude, or an even greater introduction to a song. I can hear a crisp acoustic guitar start to creep into the foreground after this portion, your voice coming in and then sort of switching back and forth between this ethereal portion and a verse\chorus structure.
Care to enlighten us on your recording process? What sounds are you using to get your electric guitar to sound so warm yet bright. Has a mixture of a Radiohead\Sigur Ros sound and Ry Cooder. You using Garageband presets?
The rhythmic guitar is my nylon, tuned to a drop B and then capoed. I also lowered the recording an octave, so I have no idea what key this is in by this point.
Then there are two electric guitars with identical reverb, echo, and tremelo effects, but panned slightly differently. My strumming is with a Canadian dime because I only have one pick. And I lost it.
That’s it!
I like your idea earlier of using this as an intro. I think the progression is nice, so I’ll probably continue on with that. Not sure about percussives- something that gets morphed im sure.
As I was saying in our chat… I really love the direction of this song and the melancholy melody is great and pretty fully developed already. This will be so nice when combined with the previous version’s ambiance…
and yet I think you should also put this scratch track up on the EP as well since there is something so haunting and raw about how this one sounds… your ‘lo fi’ stripped down feel is really cool.
Also your lyrics are heading in a nice direction as well. I love the notion of the fall of the frontier and loss of exploration… once everything is discovered, what happen to those world travelers and explorer types? Does that sentiment carry on in all of us in our post modern lifestyles? What happens to that natural instinct in us to go explore? Interesting idea for sure. Cant wait to hear the rest!