hello.music — The Ninth Great Fire

hello.musicWhat’s wrong with this song? Well for starters, the title is stupid. Also its a bit too New Agey for its own good. After many days spent tracking long takes of various parts of A & B sections, I finally cobbled together a makeshift structure for this John Hughes-soundtrack inspired 80s new wave song.

The song seems to go on about 30-40 seconds too long at the end, but again, w\o lyrics here as placeholders it all feels a bit stark. Thinking of adding Aryn’s electric bass, some real drums to augment the electro drums and maybe some jangly guitar. Needs some serious help at this point.


The Ninth Great Fire v1a


3 thoughts on “hello.music — The Ninth Great Fire”

  1. Nice Marie Antoinette soundtrack sound. I particularly like progression of the B section… Actually, have you thought about trying to swap the A and B section- the alternating i and iv (?) chords seems like it might work better as a peak chorus, and also you wouldn’t start the song with just two alternating chords. just a thought…

  2. i thought about that.. but sort of like the b section as an interlude and the a section would also serve as the chorus.

    i was thinking of repeating the b section one more time and then when it goes back to the I, IV fading out sooner to both shorten it up and emphasize the b section more.

  3. I think with some more disjunct and broken electronic beats that change for the different sections coupled w\ some real drums as well, the flavor of the song would be a lot different.

    I guess more modern electronic clicks and filtered drums would be nice to offset the 80s sound of synths.

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