hello.music — Ocean of Noise

hello.musicWhile slowly but surely tweaking the mix and writing the lyrics for my new song “No Reason” (which should be finalized by tomorrow night), I started to play around with this song to cleanse the pallete. This song of course is by Arcade Fire from one of this year’s best albums Neon Bible.

The original, while unassuming at first, has become one of my favourites on the record. I might go ahead and finish this cover at some point soon, but thought I’d share this version, which is mostly a straightforward scratch track of out of tune singing and off tempo floundering, but it’s still a pretty fun song to play.

Ocean of Noise v1c


hello.music – Digital Interlude

Hello all.. so aryns been busy with things blah blah excuses.. but to maybe help make it up here is one from my archives. I made this using a casio keyboard, and electric guitar and some effects pedals.. I like how it turned out.. even though I made it a few years ago.

is this cheating for our embarrasingly late and meager sept ep?

Digital Interlude
