hello.music – Digital Interlude

Hello all.. so aryns been busy with things blah blah excuses.. but to maybe help make it up here is one from my archives. I made this using a casio keyboard, and electric guitar and some effects pedals.. I like how it turned out.. even though I made it a few years ago.

is this cheating for our embarrasingly late and meager sept ep?

Digital Interlude


2 thoughts on “hello.music – Digital Interlude”

  1. I still love this thing… you should try one of two things:

    1) convert all the tracks to your computer and try editing and seeing what else you can come up with.

    2) write a new song using the same methods you did on this and see where that goes from there…dont imitate or duplicate, just learn from it and try something new based on how you made it.

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