TV on the Radio…again.

TV on the album of the year?As the end of year best-of lists begin to surface from every music rag and blog, I thought I would show a sneak peak of an artist who will surely be near the top of mine: TV on the Radio. As if anyone needed more evidence why this band is so great, and why their latest album, Return to Cookie Mountain, is leaps and bounds one of the best of the year, take a listen to this.

In a rare stripped-down, in-studio performance, TV on the Radio play songs from that record on the Interface a podcast associated with AOL Music’s blog

“Province” might be one of my favourite songs all year so it’s cool to hear it from a different perspective. It definitely provides insight into their creative process and reveals that beneath all the sonic atmosphere and instrumentations is the nugget of a perfect pop song.

TV on the Radio — Province:


TV on the Radio — Young Liars


EDIT: Check out another stripped down performance of TV on the Radio from World Cafe which includes a great reinterpretation of “Wolf Like Me.”

What are your favourite albums of 2006? Weigh in at [email protected]