hello.music — End of Year House Cleaning part one

hello.musicWell its the time of year that I am trying to wrap up millions of things…including song snippets and ideas I left behind throughout our year of EPs. Now that our project is nearly complete with phase one, I am going through my computer looking for ideas long forgotten.

One idea, is a song I am hoping to track with Greg next week in Kansas City so I’ll leave that for part two in this fascinating series…(STAY TUNED) but its a song I’ve sat on since roughly July because I never figured out the right way to approach it. Hopefully our proximity will help develop this one.

So for today though, while looking around for other ideas, I came across this really really rough motif I tracked many months ago. This is a sloppy (both my playing, just to get the idea down before I forgot it, and the mood itself) guitar rocker.

While the whole thing is pretty much a 4 minute A section with not much development at all, I think the theme has potential to be turned into something with some more segments and fuller idea of what I want. Not sure if I should just leave it to the wolves, or bring it inside for some TLC (tacos, linguine and chocolate).

Thought I’d put it up and see what people think (that is if people read this blog).

Here it is: Coppertop.


One thought on “hello.music — End of Year House Cleaning part one”

  1. Man, this is really great. Apparently I have fallen off the face of the earth keeping up with blog… somewhere between my hard drive dying and aryn’s wedding.

    I love the main guitar theme- the high note melody. a couple of times you do a cool half-step slide up and back down that is perfect. This would make a great last track to last ep.

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