keith olbermann grows some, um how you say, cojones…

I might be a bit behind the curve on this one (in fact I know I am)… Somehow admist the static fallout of political talking heads following President Clinton’s appearance on Fox News a few weekends ago, I missed this long commentary of MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. While everyone else (ahem..Fox News…) was spewing rhetoric and attacking Clinton for his apparant freakout meltdown during the interview, some people were actually providing some intersting context.

And though even Olbermann goes the theatrical route (one less traveled, however) of leftist attacking of Fox News and more importantly the Bush Administration, he brings up some interesting points. Its nice to see someone keeping a proper box score.

I am mostly suprised that a) he was allowed to have such a commentary and b) that MSNBC allowed him 10 freaking minutes. When did Olbermann go from former Sports Center reject to heroic soapboxer against the rightwing agenda and historical footnoter of Clinton truths and Bush untruthiness?

To see the Daily Show’s reaction to the interview, ch check it

And to see a decent little interview with Clinton on the Daily Show check this.

ten things about a built to spill concert…

okay then…
so i went to Built to Spill last night at the 930 Club …here is some reactions and observations:

1) opening band Camper Van Beethoven was painfully terrible. a bevvy of guitar wankery and overabundance of FORTE!!! rocking without dynamics. somehow the crowd seemed into this shite and apparantly this band has been a favourite of many since the mid eighties, but perhaps they should have faded away. (please people, don’t clap…it will just encourage them)

2) Camper reminded me of a bad jamband but without the melodies, directed solos and focused improvisation (ala Phish) and mostly without, um, LYRICS!?!! just think of a stage full of 4 guitarists strumming loudly in one key over and over and over and over into a godless eternity… i dont know why so many jambands get such a bad rap…especially when this shit is out there.

3) i briefly felt bad for them as they projected their own iMovie-made home video music video montages on a screen behind them, but really it was just a bunch of random clips found no doubt off youtube and compiled with their own badly shot band videos.

4) ugh…they could have played 8 less songs and i would have been thrilled.

5) between sets i ran into some other NPR types and while chatting it up i strangely got light headed and thought i was going to faint. for about 5minutes i was sweating heavily and dizzy. i went to bathroom and sat in stall for a bit until it passed. this could have been because a) i was tired and and had just drunk a beer too fast b) i saw a freshly raw tattoo on one of the NPR girl’s wrist …either way i was afraid i was going to have to bail out, but luckily i recovered. could it have been the opening band? the world will never know.

6) i might be more squemish to gore than i thought. i once got light headed like that in high school health class while watching a video about open brain surgery. weird.

Built to Spill have beards...lots and lots of beards7) maybe it was the juxtaposition of Built to Spill compared to the last band’s aural assault, but i thought this band was freaking good live. for years i hated or at least had a strong disliking for this band. their records always seemed so contrived and reminiscent of the OAR-type love fest, drunken pseudo jams that so many a college frat guy would listen to. but i think this band converted me with their live show.

8) Lead singer Doug Martsch’s voice and vocal melodies of their songs reminded me of Ben Gibbard (death cab) yet not as sweetly warm and romantic. they are more aggressive in that My Morning Jacket, Shout out Louds kind of way. Built to Spill have more of a southern rock improvisational style reminiscent of the Allman Brothers but don’t tell their fans because they might get upset that they listen to a jamband (!?!)

9) what is the story with all these bands having so many beards? i thought Jim James (My Morning Jacket) and Will Oldham (Bonnie Prince Billy) had enough facial hair to go around for all of rock and roll. then, maybe i’m just jealous of my inability at a real beard.

10) overall a nice surprise from a band that i had previously written off because a) i probably didn’t like them at the time b) probably associated them with people i didnt like at the time c) their albums kind of suck, at least compared to this show…i almost felt guilty for liking it after years of haterism. not the best concert in the world, but pretty good generally and worth checking out.

tonight’s show is being webcast on NPR.

NPR Song Of The Day: Robert Pollard, ‘Supernatural Car Lover’

Robert Pollard's Normal Happiness is out now.
Robert Pollard’s Normal Happiness is out now.

As an aspiring music critic and musician, I have been hard at work sending out a pitch here and there to get my name and fame. Well I can now say I have something published, in the form of NPR’s Song of the Day, the daily music feature on NPR’s website. Hopefully there will be more to come so I can be universally loved and admired by dozens. Read the piece here.

Continue reading NPR Song Of The Day: Robert Pollard, ‘Supernatural Car Lover’

Drink Your Own Blood and Save…

Tonight, while playing guitar I turned on Sunday night’s episode of the Simpsons. I don’t usually tune in much anymore to the once-great show. In some ways its a shadow of its former glory, but still funnier than most other dreck on TV (see: Family Guy, American Dad et al).

But then something stood out. In the opening scene, Marge, Homer and Bart are shopping at a really crappy used bookstore at a rundown shopping mall. As Homer picks up an unwanted DIY carpentry book, I noticed another book behind them on a shelf; a book that very distinctly was titled Kansas City Royals: Forever Champions.

Simpsons & Royals

Someone on the Simpsons must be either a) a Royals fan or b) an embarrassed, self-depricating Royals fan. Only someone familiar with the perpetual woes of the Royals would be able to perfectly mock Kansas City’s often pathetic grasp of 1985 nostalgia…and only fitting for that book to show up in a rundown discount mall bookstore. The Simpsons might not be what it once was at its peak, but I have to say that even in it’s 18th (!!!) season, it still manages to bring great moments of pop culture satire.

To see the clip in context go here.

Longest album titles ever…?

I am Not afraid of you and i will beat your assTonight I am off to see Yo La Tengo at Washington D.C.’s 9:30 Club. Even though I have only known and listened to them for about four (or five?) years, they have been a staple of the indie rock community for nearly twenty years. AND(!!?!) they’re one of the top bands on my list I have never seen, so I am looking forward to their eclectic mixture of noise rock and sweet sonophorus melodies.

… and if you cannot go, try to dig up a copy of their 2000 album And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out or their new (like 2 week old) album I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass.

This made me think two things: 1) What are other people’s lists of bands they are dying to see live, but never have? 2) What are other really long album titles out there? Send your comments to us at [email protected]

UPDATE: Two nights ago, Yo La Tengo proved why they have been one of the most respected band in indie rock for so long. Pulling heavily from their new album, the band had a diverse set of short sweet pop tunes and long fuzzed out noise rock. Right off the bat, they opened ‘The Weakest Part,’ then segued into the epic ‘Story of Yo La Tango’ (misspelling intentional), which stretched out into a slow-building improv section well over 15 minutes long. It normally would have been a set closer of a song, yet the band pulled it out before anyone had even opened their beers.

It’s nice to see a band willing to improvise and stretch their songs and make each show special. When so many bands play their well rehearsed 45 minute sets verbatim, it can get stale and doesn’t really encourage much repeat attendance. Yet Yo La Tengo was obviously comfortable in their own skin, changing up a fan-favourite arrangement and pulling out a nice cover songs, such as the Arthur Lee tune, ‘Luci Baines’ or Velvet Underground’s ‘She’s My Best Friend.’ My only complaint was a short stretch where about four songs in a row were uptempo hard rockers and I was dying for a breather with a more mellow song, but based on the rest of the crowd energy I might have been in the minority on that one. But all in all a great show.

Yo La Tengo's Ira Kaplan

Is Me Really Monster?

Sometimes we really have to look deep inside ourselves and admit we have problem. We all have vices or an obsessive love for things. But as Cookie Monster ponders, does that really make you a monster? Take a look at this confessional commentary from the Muppet himself, as found on the brilliant literary site McSweeney’s. My favourite portion?

How can they be so callous? Me know there something wrong with me, but who in Sesame Street doesn’t suffer from mental disease or psychological disorder? They don’t call the vampire with math fetish monster, and me pretty sure he undead and drinks blood. No one calls Grover monster, despite frequent delusional episodes and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. And the obnoxious red Grover—oh, what his name?—Elmo! Yes, Elmo live all day in imaginary world and no one call him monster. No, they think he cute. And Big Bird! Don’t get me started on Big Bird! He unnaturally gigantic talking canary! How is that not monster? Snuffleupagus not supposed to exist—woolly mammoths extinct. His very existence monstrous. Me least like monster. Me maybe have unhealthy obsession, but me no monster.

Read more here.

Has Cookie Monster already begun his rehab?

I am not afraid of you and I will beat your ass

David Cross, of Mr Show and Arrested Development fame, reviews Yo La Tengo‘s new album by simply reading the song titles alone. Found via Brilliant, especially considering it might be the best album title of the year.

My favourite portion?

Yo La Tengo’s debut CD, I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass: The Florence Nightingale Story is filled with the cranky meanderings of today’s new nu rock. Forged in hubris and leather, this New Jersey (and Brooklyn!?) trio consisting of the fat guy and two Jews are quite capable of taking us on one wild and wacky ride through the debauched underworld of the “Indiers.”

bottom of the fourth with one out and a runner on first…

Last night, President Bush pontificated to a national audience to commemorate the five year anniversary of the September 11th attacks and it did not take long for him to segue into his politicizing of the event.

Bush quickly brushed off the actual tragedy and clumsily transitioned into his status report for this ‘difficult road ahead.’ Delivering his stock catch phrase keywords about ‘spreading freedom’ and ‘struggle for civilization’ and ‘fighting to maintain the way of life enjoyed by free nations,’ he had an odd crooked grin, almost as if he thought he had never uttered those ‘brilliant’ words before.

I can’t say I am suprised by his typical cookie-cutter theatrics- why should we expect anything different? There is that pesky mid-term election coming up in November. But despite all the bad press and sinking approval ratings, the president confirmed we are in fact, um..winning the war on terror: 4-2 in the bottom of the fourth. But I might have been distracted by the ESPN sports news crawl at the bottom of the screen.

Remember the 80’s?

Could it be that the Chiefs’ season was over before it started? With the team getting battered around today, and with quarterback Trent Green pile-driven into a motionless heap on the ground, (and possibly out for the season) it seems like Kansas City’s string of choking sports teams continues where the Royals left off. When was the last time a Kansas-related team won it all?

I mean, Kansas basketball has been great, but never going all the way, nor Kansas State football. Certainly not the Chiefs who can never put together a solid team on both sides of the line. And lets not further mention my pitiful Royals. So when was the last Kansas national champion? The 1988 Kansas Jayhawks basketball team. Before that? The 1985 Royals. Ugh. Let the “theres always next year” concessions begin.

Areas of My Expertise…

The other day, NPR had a vaguely familiar face pop up. Okay so it wasn’t in DC, but rather NYC, but still he popped up on my screen. I reckognized him but couldn’t place it. Then it hit me. It was John Hodgman. Name doesn’t sound familiar? You might know him from his occasional segments on This American Life. No? Perhaps you might reckognize Hodgman from his appearances on The Daily Show as resident ‘expert.’

No? Then more than likely you know him from his series of ads, playing the lumpy and awkward PC in the recent Mac commercials.


Turns out Hodgman was on All Things Considered this week cracking up Robert Siegel promoting his book The Areas of My Expertise, in which he expounds on “matters historical, matters literary, matters cryptozoological, hobo matters, food, drink and cheese (a kind of food), squirrels and lobsters and eels, haircuts, Utopia, what will happen in the future and most other subjects.”

Hodgman’s bookish, tweed and square glasses-wearing persona is quite hilarious and while I have not finished the book yet, it is one of the best books I’ve read all year. Take a listen to the interview, check out his Daily Show appearances, listen to This American Life or buy a Mac.

John Hodgman explains the world with helpful diagrams and charts.