If Dylan Hears a Who…

Bob Dylan obviouslyGreen Eggs and Ham

About two months back, I got forwarded a link to a website where I could download an album by Bob Dylan singing the words of Dr. Seuss. Or so it advertised. Titled Dylan Hears A Who, the music was a mash of 1960s era Dylan that recalled classic albums such as Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde.

It obviously wasn’t Dylan, but sounded so close to that style, cadence, phrasing and instrumentation that it was really fun to imagine it actually was him. Sort of a grandly inspired “What If?” or “Super Marvel Team-Up!” re-imagining two of the most important artists of the Sixties.

The music was an instant viral hit on sites such as Boing Boing and other music blogs, but soon the creator received a cease and desist letter for copyright infringement from Dr Seuss Enterprises. Though he complied immediately, Salon takes an interesting look at the legal recourse of the half homage, half parody project, completely intended as a lark.

In our current state of mash ups and remixes, where do they draw the line on maintaining intellectual property, copyright infringement and public domain fair use for basis of parody?

Here is are two of my favourites from the album: “Green Eggs and Ham” and “McElligot’s Pool.”

Beginning the Timequake

Artists are people who say I can’t fix my country or my state or my cite, or even my marriage. But by golly, I can make this square of canvas, or this eight and a half by eleven piece of paper, or this lump of clay or these twelve bars of music, exactly what they ought to be. — Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake (1996)

Kurt Vonnegut (photo by Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times)

I was saddened to hear that perhaps my favourite writer of all time, Kurt Vonnegut died yesterday. More eloquent words than I can provide will be spoken about him, but his books have been a constant source of enjoyment ever since I first read Cat’s Cradle in middle school. We lost a great writer, but as Vonnegut would no doubt retort, life goes on and on…

So it goes.

We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane.
— Kilgore Trout’s epitaph, Breakfast of Champions (1973)

Check out this NY Times, the AV Club and these two from NPR here and here.

Also check out this great wiki resource of memorable quotes and passages by Vonnegut.

NPR Song Of The Day: Jesse Sykes And The Sweet Hereafter, ‘The Air Is Thin’

Jesse Sykes' Like Love Lust The Open Halls Of The Soul is out now.
Jesse Sykes’ Like Love Lust The Open Halls Of The Soul is out now.

I recently saw Jesse Sykes And The Sweet Hereafter’s open a great set before Sparklehorse in Baltimore. Here’s a short write-up about her song “The Air Is Thin” from her album Like, Love, Lust & The Open Halls of the Soul, for NPR’s Song of the Day. To listen to the song go here.

Continue reading NPR Song Of The Day: Jesse Sykes And The Sweet Hereafter, ‘The Air Is Thin’

If a great musician plays great music but no one hears…

Violinist Joshua Bell

…was he really any good? This is the sort of philosophic semantic argument that The Washington Post‘s Gene Weingarten thought to ask in today’s paper. Teaming up with the acclaimed violinist Joshua Bell, arguably the best and most recognized violinist in the world, they decided to see what would happen if Bell camped out near the L’Enfant Plaza metro station in Washington D.C for an impromptu rush hour show.

Like most street performers, Bell and the Post discovered that despite the phenomenal performance, he was widely ignored. The Post suggests that it was not just the plebeian tastes of uncultured citizens, or people too busy to be hassled to listen (though that was part of it), but rather the context and surroundings that dictate our perception.

“When you play for ticket-holders,” Bell explains, “you are already validated. I have no sense that I need to be accepted. I’m already accepted. Here, there was this thought: What if they don’t like me? What if they resent my presence . . .”

For a man already internationally renowned, he has already won over the audience. Concert goers are your bread and butter supporters, your base. But out of the concert hall, or the rock club, or jazz joint it is much harder for people to see the art.

“Let’s say I took one of our more abstract masterpieces, say an Ellsworth Kelly, and removed it from its frame, marched it down the 52 steps that people walk up to get to the National Gallery, past the giant columns, and brought it into a restaurant. It’s a $5 million painting. And it’s one of those restaurants where there are pieces of original art for sale, by some industrious kids from the Corcoran School, and I hang that Kelly on the wall with a price tag of $150. No one is going to notice it. An art curator might look up and say: ‘Hey, that looks a little like an Ellsworth Kelly. Please pass the salt.'”

Leithauser’s point is that we shouldn’t be too ready to label the Metro passersby unsophisticated boobs. Context matters.

On the street you almost expect the street musician to not be that great, simply peddling their poor rendition of “Satin Doll” for a few bucks and a handful of mixed change and spare lint.

“YES, I SAW THE VIOLINIST,” Jackie Hessian says, “but nothing about him struck me as much of anything.”

You couldn’t tell that by watching her. Hessian was one of those people who gave Bell a long, hard look before walking on. It turns out that she wasn’t noticing the music at all.

“I really didn’t hear that much,” she said. “I was just trying to figure out what he was doing there, how does this work for him, can he make much money, would it be better to start with some money in the case, or for it to be empty, so people feel sorry for you? I was analyzing it financially.”

It is almost ingrained in us to simply ignore them like we sadly do the homeless or for that matter any other person on the sidewalk. We put in our earbuds, talk on the phone and generally do not have much respect for the people around us. But is it even a conscious decision? Is it a defense mechanism that we live in an insulated bubble to protect ourselves from common day disturbances or just that we have a lot on our minds, already too busy with life and work?

In all this is a pretty interesting experiment in human behaviour. Makes me wonder, would I have noticed the greatness of someone like Bell on the street, or simply walked to my destination without much recognition at all. Something tells me I’d just ignore, but I think it will be easier to pause next time and soak it all in. You never know what brilliance you might hear.

UPDATE 4\11: NPR’s All Things Considered talked to Joshua Bell about the experience.

March 2007 EP : First Pull Up, Second Pull Down, Third Take Away

First Pull Up, Second Pull Down, Third Take AwayHow did March go by so fast? Well here we are at the end of our third month of our year long EP series, hello.music! We proudly unveil this month’s release, First Pull Up, Second Pull Down, Third Take Away.

This month we made it a point to increase the amount of cross-country collaboration and development in our songs. Really, only Mike’s and Aryn’s tracks are brand new, but we finally managed to start trading tracks back and forth for editing and recording. Hopefully you should see more and more of this… teamwork… as we move along this year.

So, sit back and relax. Take a listen to the album, download the podcast, and follow our monthly development and provide your comments here on the blog. And above all else, enjoy!


Past EP’s

Temporary Setback :: January 2007
Clouded Spaces, Falling Skies :: February 2007
First Pull Up, Second Pull Down, Third Take Away :: March 2007
Ancient Telephones :: April 2007
The Cavalry Arrived Again :: May 2007
Designed In Anticipation Of His Centennial Years :: June 2007
The Rundown :: July 2007
The Ninth Great Fire :: August 2007
Empty Bottles And Dog-Eared Books :: September 2007
I Can Fix Things In The Morning :: October 2007
We Are Full Of Useful Noise :: November 2007
The Last Duel :: December 2007

RPM Challenge Listening Party

Last night was the listening party for the RPM Challenge and while I was not around to take part in the festivities, there were apparantly many parties around the country where people gathered to hear the results of a month of hard work.

For those that could not make the trek to any of those regional get togethers, people were tuning in on the RPM Radio stream and throwing their own party on the message board. It was brought to my attention early last night that one of our songs had already played and, as you can see from these two pictures, Hello Come In got a bit of love right off the bat…specifically a song I wrote “Cost of Things”

Message Board 1
Message Board 2

Have to say its humbling in a way and even the smallest bit of encouragement goes a long way in knowing we should continue to do what we do. Can’t wait to check out some of the other songs and bands who took part.

And to think, our best efforts are only just beginning…especially the more we cross pollinate our ideas… this is only the beginning of some great work. Stay tuned in the next few days as our small effort for March goes up…

UPDATE 4\4: My friend and co-worker Bob Boilen (whom I used to work for as an intern production assistant with NPR’s All Songs Considered) talked to listening party in New Hampshire last Friday night via Skype. Its a really beautiful and from the heart message about the RPM Challenge and making and creating music. I find it quite great knowing that so many people got so much out of this project.
